What would a Young Writers Workshop look like?

In our 2 hours together:

Hr 0 Min 0: Students arrive and sign a contract that states that they will be respectful towards the other writers and their work. Students should understand that this environment is meant to be welcoming and kind. Although students are there to critique one another's work, all criticism needs to be constructive. 

Hr 0 Min 15: Students will be introduced to a young writer in Oklahoma who will describe their approach to writing and will be open to questions and later give feedback on the other writer's work. 

Hr 0 Min 30: Students will begin to present short pieces of work either vocally or by an on-screen projection. Students will discuss and critique one another's work during this process. Students are encouraged to take notes and are provided with paper and pencils. 

Hr 1 Min 30: Students will be briefed on upcoming competitions and writing opportunities locally and nationally. 

Hr 1 Min 45: Students will be introduced to a new and obscure form of writing, such as reverse chronology or a Nonet. 

Hr 2 Min 0: The workshop ends with an exploration of the new form of writing, but only when we have time.

What to bring to the Young Writers Workshops:

-A short piece of writing! This is NOT required however if you have something in the works this is just the place for you. Short pieces could include a poem, an excerpt from a longer piece, a song, or really anything under about 3 minutes to read

-Something to take notes on. We will provide notebook paper and pencils, however, if you would like to bring something to take notes on we encourage it

-An open mind

That's really it! If you have any questions about what kind of writing to bring, send us an email at okyoungwriterworkshop@gmail.com.


The first OK Young Writer's Workshop takes place at the Warr Acres Library.

Writers pose for a picture at a Warr Acres Young Writers Workshop.

Writers pick out snacks from the snack table at a Young Writers Workshop.

Writers listen as another writer shares their work.

The first OKYWW zine is sold containing 11 young writers works.

A writer poses with a sign reading "This Barbie is a Cowboy".

The Literati Press, where monthly workshops are held.

A rough draft of a collaborative zine between an artist and writer.

A writer comments on another writers work.

Books :)

OKYWW sets up their table at LitFest at the Downtown Library.

A writer is interviewed about her process creating a personal writing blog.